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A translation of "Der Sterntaler"

The Star Money 

Once upon a time, there was a little girl, whose father and mother were dead, and she was so poor that she no longer had a room to live in, and no longer had a bed to sleep in, and finally, she had nothing but the clothes on her body and a little bit of bread in her hand, that some compassionate heart had given her.
She was good and pious, and because she was left from all the world all the world, she went forth into the open country, trusting the good god. 
Then a poor man met her who said: "Ah, give me something to eat, I am hungry."
She handed him the whole bread and said" God bless you, and went forwards.

Then came a kid, who whined and said: My head is so cold give me something, by which I can cover. so she took her hood and gave it to him. 
And when she had walked for a while, Came another kid and had no jacket on and was frozen, then she gave him her own, and a little farther on one bagged her for a frock, she gave that away too.
Finally, she arrived into the forest and was already becoming dark, and there came another kid and begged for a shirt, and the good girl thought "it's a dark night and no one sees you, you can very well give your shirt", and took the shirt off and gave it away too.
And as so she stood and had nothing at all. Falls some stars from heaven, and were nothing but money, and although she had just given her shirt away so she had a new one, which was of the finest linen, then she put the money into it and was rich for all her days of life und war reich für sein Lebtag.


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